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When it comes to promoting your business, the most powerful tool in your arsenal is the written word. This may seem obvious, but people often overlook the importance of good writing. Unlike website coding, writing is something that nearly everyone knows how to do. People assume that since they can type out a report or a term paper – or even a message to a friend – they can handle their own copywriting. However, composing a technical report is very different from writing for the web. Dashing off an e-mail requires a completely different skill set than developing a press release. And badly written content is one of the clearest signs of an amateur operation. Even our clients who are excellent writers are often too busy running a business to take the time necessary to write engaging copy. Fortunately, Full Stack Media employs professional writers experienced in providing content for major websites and public relations offices. We offer the following services:

  • Website Copywriting:Without great content, even the most beautifully-designed website is just an empty shell. Well-crafted graphics and layouts have the power to grab attention, drawing visitors to your website. Once you’ve successfully attracted a visitor, you must continue to engage them with informative and entertaining text. You tell us the desired subject, tone and length of the copy and we can provide it. Our writers often conduct their own research to provide informative content on a range of topics, from legal matters to historical events. Our job is to provide you high-quality content, while sparing you the time and effort of writing and researching it yourself.
  • Proofreading and Editing:Even the best writer needs a good editor. If you decide to write your own copy, our professional editors will double check everything and, if desired, give you feedback. You don't want typos and poor grammar to undermine an otherwise carefully crafted website. If you know what you want to say, but are not confident in your writing abilities, we can help. Our clients who are not native English-speakers find this service especially useful.
  • Blogging:It can be a struggle to attract attention in the crowded online marketplace. One strategy to engage additional viewers is to start a blog. Not only will a compelling blog increase interest in your company, it can improve your SEO (search engine optimization) rankings by providing constantly updated information to an otherwise unchanging website. If you want the benefits of a blog, without the hassle of actually writing one, we can be your ghostwriter.
  • Promotional & Press Materials:Our writers also provide offline content. Our media relations specialists can write press releases or create entire press kits to promote you and your business. Need ad copy? Writing a public address? Sending business correspondence? Developing an informational manual? Whatever your written content needs, Full Stack Media has you covered.